Punch your in-time for a day
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    Punch your in-time for a day

      Article Summary

      Your first clock-in for a day is recorded as your entry time for the day. The time is set as your work start time, and your working hours are calculated from it even if you clock out and clock in intermittently while switching between tasks, traveling out, and taking breaks. You can punch in your time card only after the start of your shift time.

      Your last clock out for a day is recorded as your exit time unless you reconcile your time card entries before your shift ends.

      To record your reporting time

      • Open the TimeCard app
      • Ensure you have logged in with your account
      • Select the project site you are on

      You can choose a project only if you are physically present within the geofence of its site. The project name is shown in orange once you are inside its geofence.

      The tasks list shows the tasks assigned to you for the day.

      • Tap 'Clock In'

      • Choose the task you are starting to work on. The task name changes to orange.

      • Tap the clock icon at the right of the task row to start the clock

      Your work timer starts and records the time for the chosen task:

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