Gantt View
  • 2 Minutes to read

    Gantt View

      Article Summary

      The Gantt view shows the scheduled items as a Gantt chart comprising the horizontal bars for each task item, shown on their timelines. You can also view the dependencies and progress percentages for each item.

      • Open the project management schedule
      • Click 'Schedule' on the top
        • Choose 'Master schedule' if you are the general contractor
        • Choose 'Schedule' if you are a subcontractor

      The 'Schedule' interface opens in the 'Grid' view by default. 

      • Choose 'Gantt View' from the drop-down on the top left to return to the 'List' view if you are on a different view.
      • Alternatively, click the 'Gantt' menu on the left.

      Date Filters - The filter at the top left lets you choose between the day, weekly, or monthly view for the Gantt chart:

      An example is shown below:

      Task Filtering options:

      The filter drop-downs at the top left let you filter the tasks based on the assigned contractor and the status:

      • Use the contractor filter to view the tasks assigned to a specific contractor
      • Use the status filter to view only the tasks on a specific execution state. The available options are:
      • Draft - Tas items that have been added but are yet to be published
        • Active - Task items that are assigned and published but are yet to be pulled for execution
        • Scheduled - Task items that are pulled and added to the field schedule but are yet to be started 
        • InProgress - Task items that are currently under execution
        • Completed -  Task items that are completed to currently under execution 100%

      The Gantt view also allows you to set and modify the start and end dates of the items by simple drag and drop actions. 

      • You can also set the start and end dates for tasks in the Gantt view. Just drag and drop the bar representing an item near the required date range and drag the left and right edges of the bar to particular dates as required.
      • You can directly modify the dates only for last-level child tasks, that is, the items that do not have any children. The dates for the parent tasks adjust automatically, depending on the change in the child tasks. 
      • The start and end dates are shifted for the dependent tasks based on changes in the predecessor tasks and their dependency relationship.
      • You cannot modify dates for published tasks. Use the 'Baseline' feature if you want to change the timelines for published tasks.

      To set or change the start and end dates for a task

      • Drag and drop the bar representing a task item to the required start date
      • Drag the left and right edges of the bar to particular start and end dates as required

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