Create an RFI
  • 6 Minutes to read

    Create an RFI

      Article summary

      RFIs are generally created by the foremen or the project managers, depending on their needs. This page explains how a project manager of a GC or an SC can create an RFI.

      • Any person with the required permissions to the RFI module can create an RFI and add questions.
      • Any person on your company's project team other than the creator can also add more questions and comments to existing questions in a draft RFI.  
      • Only the persons designated as RFI Workflow Manager can route an RFI to the next step. Click 'Project' > 'Team' > 'Workflow' to view the list of RFI workflow managers of the project.
      • RFIs created by members other than the RFI Workflow Manager get added as drafts to the Workflow Manager's account. They can review, add their comments, and then route the RFI to the next step.
      Roles and Permissions
      • Only users with roles having 'Create,' 'Maintain,' or 'Manage' permission enabled for the RFI module can create draft RFIs.

      Typically, an RFI consists of the following:

      • A serial number
      • A sequence number identifying the classification
      • A short descriptive title
      • A set of questions to be clarified
        • An RFI can have a maximum of five questions
        • Questions can have attachments like plan markups, photos, documents, etc, for reference
        • You can also link items like Submittals, other RFIs, Change Orders, Plan sheets, Scheduled tasks, etc., to the questions.
      • Impacts on schedule and cost
      • Site location references
      • Spec book reference
      • You can also add a set of watchers to be notified of the progress status of the RFI

      Create an RFI

      • Open the project management console
      • Click 'RFI' on the top, then choose 'Boards' from the left
      • Click '+ Create RFI'on the top right

      The RFI creation wizard starts:

      • RFI Title - Enter a label for the RFI, shortly describing its purpose. (Max. 150 characters)
      • Sequence- Specify the category of the RFI. RFI categories are defined as a master list at your company level. The RFI will be sequence-numbered in a series, depending upon the category. This number lets you quickly identify, filter/review RFIs of a particular type.
        • Choose the category from the drop-down. If you do not see the category you want to choose, contact your administrator.
      • Priority - The criticality of the RFI. Choose 'High' for the RFIs to be answered quickly to avoid schedule and budget losses.
      • RFI Type- The purpose of the RFI. Whether the RFI is for clarification, confirmation, missing details in the specs/plans, etc.
        • Choose the type from the drop-down
      • RFI Sub Type - The further classification of the RFI depending on the selected type.
        • Choose the sub-type from the drop-down
      • Click 'Create' 

      The RFI opens for adding further details and questions:

      The values for the RFI Name, Sequence, Priority, RFI Type, and RFI Sub Type are prepopulated with the values you entered in the previous step. 

      Step 1 - Enter additional details:

      • Specification Code- The section of the construction spec book that covers the category of tasks, deliverables, and/or materials to which the RFI relates. (Optional)
        • Type the first few characters of the spec section code and choose the section from the options 
      • Sheet Code- The sheet number of the plan or drawing sheet related to the RFI. (Optional)
        • Type the first few characters of the sheet code and choose the sheet from the options 
      • Details - A brief description of the RFI. (Optional)
      • Location - The location of the constructed structure for which clarification is needed. (Optional) 
      • Cost Impact - Whether the RFI affects the budget or incurs extra expenses to the project. This decides whether the RFI may be escalated into a change order, which in turn helps to make budget amendments. 
      • Schedule Impact - Whether the subject of the RFI affects the schedule of the project. 
      • Associated Task- Applies only if 'Schedule Impact' is enabled. The scheduled task for which the RFI is generated. 
        • Choose the task from the drop-down

      Step 2 - Add Questions

      The next step is to add your queries. The 'Question' tab allows you to add your list of questions.

      • Open the 'Question' tab
      • Enter your first question in the box.

      Add Supporting Attachments

      • Click on the top right to add attachments like plan drawing with markups, photos, images, and/or other document files to the question:

      Attach plan drawings with/without markups

      • Choose 'Select From Plans' 

      The plan drawings added for the project are shown as thumbnails.

      • Select the plan you want to use
      • Create markups if required to illustrate your question. See Markups for guidance on creating different types of markups on the plan drawing.
      • Click the 'Publish' button to affix the plan drawing markup to the question.
      • Repeat the process to add more plan markups

      Attach photos and other documents

      • Drag and drop the file to the lower pane


        • Click 'Browse'
        • Navigate to the required image file and open
        • Repeat the process to add more images or documents
      • Click on the top right to attach links to items like Submittals, RFIs, plan sheets, plan markups, scheduled tasks, punchlist items, etc., to the question
      • Choose the type of the item from the drop-down at the top

      • Select the item to link
      • Click 'Add'
      • Repeat the process to link more items as required
      • Once you are done with the attachments and links, click the button to save your question.

      Your question is added to the list.

      • Click the plusbutton at the top right and repeat the process to add more questions.

      The details and the questions you have added are auto-saved to the draft. You can edit your questions and add new questions at any time by opening the RFI from the 'Drafts' in your 'RFI' > 'Boards' interface until the RFI is routed. Once you have routed an RFI, you cannot edit/add the questions.

      • Click the editbutton at the right end of a question stripe to open and edit the question.
      • Click every time to save your changes.
      • Click the 'trashcan'button at the right end of a question stripe to remove the question.

      You can add comments to the questions with supporting attachments and links to other items at any time throughout the lifecycle of the RFI by clicking the icon. See Add Comments in Project Documents to learn more.

      Step 3 - Add Watchers (Optional)

      The 'Watchers' pane allows you to specify your team members to notify them of the RFI progress and details. Linarc sends a notification to the persons on each activity on the RFI. If given access, they can view the details at each step from their Linarc project consoles.

      To add watchers to an RFI 

      • Start typing the name of the person in the text box under 'Watchers' and choose from the options 
      • Click the 'Add' button
      • Repeat the process to add more watchers

      You can add only the project team members from your company as watchers.

      See Add and Manage Watchers for more guidance on adding watchers.

      Step 3 - Forward the RFI

      Once the details are filled in, you can route the RFI to the GC for further processing or set a workflow, depending on whether you are the GC or an SC.


      The RFI gets added as the draft to the project and is visible to all project team members who have access to the RFI module from your company. Any member can add more questions and comments to the existing questions. Members designated as the RFI workflow managers of the project can route the RFI to the next step. See Add workflow managers to learn more about workflow managers.

      To forward the RFI

      • Click the route button 'Route RFI'on the top right.
      The 'Route' button is available only to the RFI workflow managers of the project.

      The RFI is forwarded to the GC. The GC will review the details and the questions, configure the workflow for the RFI, and forward it to the next stage.

      Once the GC reviews the RFI, and sets a workflow, you can view the workflow status of the RFI at any time by clicking the 'Workflow' tab.

      General Contractor - The GC should configure the workflow for the RFI and forward it to the next stage. 

      The RFI gets added as the draft to the project and is visible to all project team members who have access to the RFI module from your company. Any member can add more questions and comments to the existing questions. Members designated as the RFI workflow managers of the project can set up a workflow.

      Once you route an RFI, you can chat with its participants at any time. Click the button on the top right to start a chat session. See Chat and collaborate on RFIs for more guidance.

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