Add photos
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    Add photos

      Article Summary

      Crew members can share photos, for example, showing the tasks they are involved in. These photos serve multiple purposes, mainly the daily field reports. You can directly upload photos from the device camera or choose photos from your device library.

      To add a photo

      • Tap 'More' at the bottom
      • Choose 'Daily Field Reports'
      • Choose the project 

      The list of tasks assigned to you opens:

      • Tap on the task for which you want to upload a photo:

      • Choose the date for which you want to upload the photo. The photo will be added to the daily report of that day.
      • Click the '+' button at the top right 
      • Choose the source to import the photo from:

        • Camera - Take a new photo using your device's camera.
        • Library - Browse to the picture you want to use from your device gallery.

      The photo adds to the task and the daily field report automatically. 

      • Repeat the process to add more photos to the task. 

      The photos are shared with the other team members through the daily reports. 

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