Add length measurements
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    Add length measurements

      Article Summary

      The ruler tool lets you measure the distance between any two points in the feet/inches or meters and add them as markups.

      Drawings are created with different scales. You first need to calibrate the ruler individually for each drawing to show the measurements in feet/meter units, 

      Also, you can move a line markup from one location to a different location on the drawing. This is useful, for example, to measure the distance between two points covered by a certain portion of the building and mark the same distance in a different location in the drawing. 

      • Calibrate the ruler
      • Add a length markup

      Calibrate the ruler

      • Open the plan drawing
      • Identify a location on the drawing with known dimensions, for example, a wall with its length marked. An example is shown below:

      • Touch the 'Ruler' tool to select it
      • Touch the spot on the drawing to place the ruler line

      • Use the handles at the ends of the line to draw a line from one end to the other end of the length of the known dimension.
      • Double-tap on the line
      • Choose the units (Feet/Meter) and enter the known dimension in the 'Edit Calibration Scale' box, for example, 13'8".

      • Tap OK

      The ruler is calibrated, and the line now shows the entered value.

      The calibration is saved as a draft layer. It will save permanently on publishing the markup. See Publish markups for more details;

      Add a length markup

      Calibrate the ruler tool before adding a length markup. See the section above if you need guidance on this. 
      • Open the plan
      • Touch the 'Ruler' tool to select it
      • Touch the spot on the drawing to place the ruler line
      • Use the handles at the ends of the line to draw a line from the starting point to the end of the length you want to markup

      The line shows the distance in feet/inches or meters as calibrated. You can even drag the line and place it in a different location on the drawing. This is useful, for example, to measure the distance between two points in one location and mark the same distance in a different location.

      • Repeat the process to add more length markups

      In the example shown below, the red lines are the length markups:

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