View Portfolio Schedule Report
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    View Portfolio Schedule Report

      Article summary

      The Project Portfolio Schedule report provides an overview of the schedule items in different statuses in your projects, and their overall progress. The report also provides shortcuts to the respective project's schedule module.

      Roles and Permissions
      The Project Portfolio report is available only to users with 'View' permission for the portfolio reports enabled in their role.

      View the portfolio schedule report

      • Login to your project portfolio management console
      • Click 'Schedule' on the top

      • Project - The name of the project. Click the name to open the 'Schedule' module of the respective project. See The Schedule interface for more details.
      • Total Schedule Items - The total number of schedule line items. 
      • Total Plan Hours - The cumulative effort hours estimated for all the task items.
      • Progress - The overall progress of the project in percentage.
      • Critical Items - The total number of critical tasks identified using the critical path method (CPM) calculation.
      • Status
        • Active - The number of task items that are published and scheduled for field work but yet to be started.
        • In Progress - The number of task items that are under execution in the field. 
        • Completed - The number of task items that are completed to 100%.
      • Published
        • True - The grand total number of tasks that are published, pulled for field work, and under execution
        • False - The total number of task items that have been added to the schedule but are yet to be published.
      • Delay - The number of tasks that are progressing beyond the  

      Search and filter options:

      • Use the 'Search' box at the top left to find the projects or projects with a specified amounts in any category by using the name or number as search criteria
      • Click the funnelicon to select the projects to show or hide in the list
      • Click the icon at the top-right to select the columns to show or hide

       Download the report

      • Click the  icon at the top-right to download the list portfolio budget report as an Excel file

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