View declined bid requests
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    View declined bid requests

      Article summary

      Contractors can view the change order bid requests that they have rejected for a project from the invitation table. This helps them to identify the reasons for which they declined the work in the future.  

      To view the declined change order bid requests

      • Open the project management portal.
      • Click 'Change Order' on the top
      • Click 'CO Invites' on the left
      • Move the toggle switch at the top left to 'Declined'

      The 'Invitation Table' screen shows the list of change orders bid requests you rejected in the past:

      The 'Decline Reason' shows why your company has rejected the request.

      Search and Filter options
      Use the Find, Filter, and table customization options on the right to search, filter, add/remove columns, etc. See Search, Filter, Column Customization, and Table Views for guidance on this.

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      Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence