View Company Task Codes
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    View Company Task Codes

      Article summary

      The ‘Task Codes‘ screen shows the alphanumeric codes assigned to the task items by your company. This serves as a ready reference for the codes, for use in schedule, budget, estimates, etc. of your projects.

      Roles and Permissions

      The 'Company Task Codes' menu is available only to users with 'View' permission or above for 'Company Task Codes' enabled on their role.

      • Log in to the project management console

      • Click ‘Company’ on top and ‘Task Codes’ on the left

      • Color code - Color assigned to the task. This enables you to group-sort tasks with easy identification

      • Task Code - The unique task code associated with the category/task

      • Task name - The label of the task, shortly describing it

      • Task type - Whether the activity is fieldwork, office work, or an admin task

      • Quantity - The amount of work done. Applies only to packages

      • Unit - The measurement unit of the work done/deliverable. Applies only to packages

      • Effort - The labor involved to get a specified amount of work done. Applies only to packages

      • Status- The current status of the task code, whether active or disabled

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