View Company Info
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    View Company Info

      Article summary

      The company information screen in your project portfolio console allows you to view the details of your organization.

      Roles and Permissions
      The 'Company Information' menu is available only to users with the 'View' permission or above for 'Company Information' enabled on their role. 
      • Click 'Company' on the top and 'Company Info' on the left.

      Basic Information:

      • Company name  - The name of your business organization as registered with Linarc
      • Company pin - The pin of your organization in the Linarc database
      • Year started - The year in which your organization commenced its business
      • Website - The URL of your company website

      Company Location:

      • Main location - The official address of your organization
      • Plus code – A code based on the longitude/latitude of the office location for easy access 
      • Phone - The contact phone number of your office

      Business Information:

      • Contractor business type - Business category, whether you are a prime/general contractor, sub-contractor, architect, consultant, etc.
      • Company sub-type - The sub-category of your business type

      Admin contact:

      • First name and Last name –Name of the company admin 
      • Email  -  Email address of the admin
      • Phone  - Admin contact number, with country code

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