View Change Orders
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    View Change Orders

      Article summary

      The 'Boards' interface shows all project-pertinent change orders in which you are involved. The project managers of general contractors and subcontractors can perform the following actions from this interface.

      General ContractorSubcontractor
      Generate COsGenerate COs, provide their estimates and submit to GCs
      Add their estimatesRespond to bid requests from GCs
      Request bids from the subcontractorsSign awarded change orders
      Review and accept bids  
      Close and obtain Owner's Approval 
      Get signatures from the stakeholders
      Add the CO to the master schedule and assign jobs to the subcontractor(s)
      Roles and Permissions:
      • The participants to work on the change orders are added at the company level. 
      • All users assigned with appropriate permissions to create, invite, maintain, approve, etc, can perform the respective actions in the change order module.

      The Change Order - Boards interface:

      • Open the project management console
      • Click 'Change Order' on the top, then select 'Boards' from the left

      The interface shows the project's change orders under various stages. 

      • Use the buttons on the top right to switch between the list view and the grid view.
      • Alternatively,
        • Click 'Change orders' on top, then 'List' on the left, in the project management console to open the List view

      List view:

      The list view shows the change orders as a list with their details:

      • CO No. - The serial number of the change order
      • CO Title - The subject of the change order. Click the name to open the CO.
      • CO Type - The classification of the CO based on its reason
      • Trade - The subcontractor types involved in the change work
      • Created On - Date at which the CO was generated
      • Due By- The deadline date of the CO, before which it has to be closed. The date is shown with a color background for the COs that are overdue or the due date is imminent.
        • Yellow - Due within this week
        • Red - Overdue. The due date has passed.
      • Priority- The criticality of the CO. The priority level is also indicated by color codes:
        • Red - High
        • Orange - Medium
        • Blue - Low
      • Created By - The contractor company that created the CO.
      • Sequence - The category of the change order classified as per your company practices. 
      • CO subtype - The sub-classification of the CO based on its type.
      • Specification code - The section in the project spec book related to the tasks and deliverables involved in the change work.  
      • Sheet code - The plan sheet reference to the change work 
      • Status - The current progress level of the CO, as per its workflow
      • Contract type -  Whether change order depends on the contract or commitment

      Search and Filter options - Use the Find, Filter, and table customization options on the right to search, filter, add/remove columns, etc. See Search, Filter, Column Customization, and Table Views for guidance on this.

      Grid View

      The grid view shows the COs as cards under different stages.

      • Draft - The change orders created by you and yet to be routed.
      • Awaiting Bids - Change orders for which you have invited bids from the subcontractors and awaiting their responses.
      • Bids in Process - Change orders for which the subcontractors have submitted their responses and awaiting your review.
      • Bids Closed - Change orders for which you have finalized the bids and awaiting owner approval and signatures
      • Final Approval - Change orders that were approved, closed, and signed. These are available to add to the project schedule and commence the work. 

      Each card shows the at-a-glance details of the change order:

      1-The serial number of the Change Order.
      2-The title of the CO.
      3-Kind of the CO, whether it is 'Contract' or 'Commitment.' 
      4-The initiation date of the CO.
      The criticality of the RFI.  The priority is also indicated with color codes:
      • Red - High
      • Yellow - Medium
      • Blue - Low
      6-The contractor company that raised this CO.
      7-The type of the CO, based on its reason. 
      8-The date within which the CO has to be closed. For COs that are due shortly and overdue, the due date is highlighted to indicate the criticality.
      • Yellow - The RFI is due within the next seven days
      • Red - The RFI is overdue
      9-The number of days remaining before the due date. For overdue COs, it shows the number of days past the due date.
      • Blue - The RFI is due after the next week (seven days)
      • Yellow - The RFI is due within this week (seven days)
      • Red - The RFI is overdue
      10-The trades involved in the change work. The tiles indicate the subcontractor types from whom the bids are invited.
      • Click a card to view its details and/or respond to:

      See the following sections to know more:

      You can chat with the team members and the participants of the change order at any stage. Click the button on the top right. See Chat and collaborate on a CO  for more guidance.

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