Add permits
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    Add permits

      Article Summary

      The 'Permits' module contains details of building permits obtained by the collaborating contractor companies for the project from the county/state authorities. 

      Project managers of different construction companies, including the general contractor and the subcontractors collaborating on the project through Linarc, can add the details of their building permits. The details are shared among all contractors, architects, engineers, consultants, and the owner involved in the project. This enables the general contractor to ensure that all SCs have valid permits to carry out the work assigned to them.

      Roles and permissions: 
      Only users with roles possessing 'Create,' 'Maintain,' or 'Manage' permissions enabled for the Project-Permit are authorized to add a new permit.

      The 'Permits' interface

      • Open the project management console
      • Click 'Project' on the top, then select 'Permits' on the left.

      The 'Permits' interface shows the list of permits of all participating contractor companies:

      • Company - The contractor company that obtained the permit for the construction project
      • Permit Number - The serial number assigned to the permit by the issuing authority
      • Issued by - The city or county that issued the permit. 
      • Issued on - The date from which the permit is effective
      • Expires on - The date till which the permit is effective
      • Permit Type - The kind or the permit, depending on the nature of work carried out by the contractor. Examples include Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, etc.

      Search and Filter options - Use the Find, Filter, and table customization options on the right to search, filter, add/remove columns, etc. See Search, Filter, Column Customization, and Table Views for guidance on this.

      Add a new permit

      • Open the 'Permits' interface as explained above
      • Click the '+' button at the top right

      Enter the details of the permit you obtained for the project:

        • Type - The kind of permit. Select the type from the dropdown.
        • Permit number - The serial number as mentioned in the issued permit 
        • Re-enter permit number - Enter the permit number again for confirmation. This is to avoid errors in the data entry. The project management portal saves the permit details only if both numbers match.  
        • Issued on - The date of issuance of the permit. Click inside the field and use the date picker to enter the issuance date.
        • Expiry date - The expiry date mentioned in the permit. Click inside the field and use the date picker to enter the expiry date.
      • Click 'Add'

      The permit is added to the list and is visible to all participant contractors.

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