Search, Filter, Column Customization and Table Views
  • 4 Minutes to read

    Search, Filter, Column Customization and Table Views

      Article summary

      You can configure tables in various dashboards, board views, lists, and other Linarc interfaces to view only the data you wish, appropriate to you and the projects.  The options at the right of any table let you apply filters, show/hide columns and create custom views of the tables. You can also download the displayed data as a spreadsheet file. An example is shown below:

      Use the links below to learn more:

      Search data

      • Click 'Find' and enter the value of any data in part in full as your search key to search for corresponding entries:

      Filter data

      You can configure rule-based custom filters to view only the entries that are relevant to you in a table. For example, you may create a filter that shows only the projects that contains a specific company as a subcontractor. You can save the filter as a table view, so that every time you navigate to the interface, the filter is auto-applied. The 'Filter' option allows you to add your filtering rules. Each rule contains three components, the column, the search criteria, and the relation. 

      To add filter rules  

      • Click 'Filter'
      • Choose the column from the 'Where' drop-down, enter your search criteria in part or full in the 'Value' field, and choose the condition ('Contains', 'Does-not contain', 'Equals' and 'Not equals') from the drop-down in the middle
      • Click '+ Add Condition' to include more rules

      • Set 'And/Or' conditions between the rules 
      • Click Apply

      The table now shows only the rows that satisfy the rules. You can save the filter by creating a custom view for the table with this filter applied. See 'Set up Custom Views' below for more guidance.

      Customize columns

      You can selectively hide columns that you do not want to see in a table using the 'Hide' option. An example is shown below:

      The pop-up shows the list of columns in the table.

      • Use the toggle switches to enable or disable the respective columns
      • Click Apply for your choices to take effect

      The table now shows only the enabled columns hiding the rest. You can save the column customization by creating a custom view for the table with these settings applied. See 'Set up Custom Views' below for more guidance.

      Setup custom views

      Once you apply filters and column customization, you can save them as a table view. Every time you open the interface, you can apply the saved view so that the filters and the column selections apply automatically. You can also restrict who can use the views by setting up the access rights.

      • Click 'View' after you have set the filter rules and/or the column selections

      The 'View' pane opens with the list of views already available for the table.

      Click '+ Create View'

      • Enter a name for the view in the 'Title' field
      • Choose whether you want to keep the view private or share it with others from the drop-down at the top right. The available options are:
        • Private - The view is visible only to you. Only you can use the view on the table
        • Company - The custom view is visible to selected persons of your company. You can choose the users and define permissions for them to just use or edit this view. 
      • Add users to provide access to the 'View' if you chose 'Company'
        • User Name - Enter the full name of the user
      • Choose the role of the user with respect to the view. The permissions to edit the view depend on the role. The available options are:
        • Manager - Can edit the filters, column selections, etc., and add or remove the users with whom the view is shared and set/edit access rights for the users. 
        • Contributor - Can edit the filters and column selections 
        • Viewer - Can only use the configured view on the table
      • Click '+ Add' and repeat the process to add more users
      • Click 'Save' for your settings to take effect.

      The view is now available to all users with whom it is shared.

      Rename a view

      • Click 'View' on the right

      The list of available views is shown

      • Mouse over a view and click the ellipses (three vertical dots)

      • Choose 'Rename'

      • Enter a new name for the view and click the tick icon

      Remove a view

      • Click 'View' on the right

      The list of available views is shown.

      • Mouse over a view and click the ellipses 
      • Choose 'Delete' 

      • Click 'Confirm' in the confirmation dialog

      Use custom views

      • Click 'View' on the right

      The list of available views is shown. This contains the views you created and those shared with you by others.

      • Click on a view to apply the filters and the column customizations as per the view.

      Download the screen as a spreadsheet file

      You can download the data shown on the table/screen after the application of filters, views, etc., as a spreadsheet file and save it on your local drive for future reference.

      • Click 'Download' from the options on the right.

      A spreadsheet file downloads on our device in .XSLX format. You can view the file using Microsoft Excel, Open Office Calc, or any other spreadsheet application.

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