Request bids from subcontractors and vendors
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    Request bids from subcontractors and vendors

      Article summary

      Project managers can invite bids from subcontractors and vendors for contract change orders depending on the work detailed in the change order. Once the invitation is sent, the subcontractor is notified to accept the tender and submit their bids for the work that they perform as per the change order. Once the subcontractors/vendors submit their bids, the GC can peruse, then level the bids and award the work to the qualifying bidder(s).

      This section explains how the general contractor can solicit bids from the subs and vendors from the change order module.

      To invite bids for a change order

      • Open the change order if not open already. To do so:
        • Click 'Change Order' on the top, then choose 'Boards' from the left
        • Click the change order card from the 'Drafts' column
      • Click the 'Bids' tab

      The 'Bids' tab shows the list of bids submitted for the CO. If you have already submitted one, it is also shown here.

      • Click 'Request Bids' at the top right

      The 'Select Companies' dialog shows the list of subcontractors, vendors, and other companies collaborating on the project.

      • Select the companies you want to invite the bids from
      You can set the due dates for bid submission to each invitee individually after setting-up the invites.  
      • Click 'Send invite' 

      A confirmation dialog shows the list of selected companies:

      • Click 'Cancel' to reselect the companies, if you have chosen unintended companies by mistake
      • Click 'Continue' 

      • Due Date - Click inside the 'Due Date' cell for each company and use the calendar to set up the bid submission due date for that company. 

      The invitations are sent. The status column indicates the bid submission status of each invitee. Possible values are:

      • Invited - The bid request has been sent to the subcontractor.
      • Bid Pending - The subcontractor has accepted the request and is yet to submit their bid.
      • Bid Submitted - The subcontractor has submitted the bid. You can view/review these bids.
      • Bid Revision - You have returned the bid for the subcontractor to submit a revised bid 
      • Declined - The subcontractor has declined the bid request.

      Once the invitees accept the bid request and submit their quotations, they will appear here. The 'Cost Impact' and 'Schedule Impact' values are auto-fetched from the bid and shown here for your quick look. You can review, compare and select the qualifying bids. You will get notified of every bid submission.

      You can chat with the team members and the participants of the change order at any stage. Click the button on the top right. See Chat and collaborate on a CO  for more guidance.

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