Edit Project details
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    Edit Project details

      Article summary

      The Project Information screen shows the general details of the construction project, like the project type, your role in the project, site address and contact details, and more. 

      • Typically, the general contractor adds a project and invites other companies to collaborate. 
      • If a project was created by the GC, then only the PMs of the GC can edit the details at any time for corrections and add any missing information.
      • If a project was added by the Owner, Architect, or Subcontractor, the project managers of that company could edit the details until a GC is added. Once the GC accepts the project, only the PMs of the GC company can edit the details.
      • Project managers of other collaborating companies can only view the details of the project.
      Roles and permissions:
      Only users with roles possessing 'Create,' 'Maintain,' or 'Manage' permissions enabled for the Project module and 'Manage' permission for 'Company Employees' can create new projects and assign project managers for them.

       To open the project information screen

      • Login to your project portfolio screen and select the project from the 'All Projects' screen
      • Select 'Information' from the options on the left
      • Click the pencil icon at the top right

      • Edit the details as required:

      The fields are similar to those required for creating a new project. See Create Project for details. 

      • Click the 'Save' button at the top right for your changes to take effect.

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