Create a Custom Field
  • 2 Minutes to read

    Create a Custom Field

      Article summary

      Administrators with appropriate permissions can add custom fields for forms used in different modules. 

      • Any new field created will take effect immediately and will appear in the relevant forms for all items created from that point onward. 
      • Fields do not apply retroactively to the items that were created before they were added to the system. 
      • By default, all custom fields are set as 'Mandatory' in the respective form. However, the ability to set custom fields as 'Mandatory' or 'Optional' will be available soon.

      To create a custom field

      • Login to your company admin console
      • Click 'Configuration' on the top, then click 'Custom Fields' on the left

      The interface shows the list of custom fields added to various modules.

      • Click the 'Add Property' button on the top right

      • Enter the details:

      Module - Select the module to which the field pertains. The field will appear in the 'Details' form of the item managed by the module. 

      Attribute Name - Enter a label for the field. This label will appear as the field name in the form.

      Description - Enter a short description of the field. This is for internal purposes and will not be shown in the form. (Optional)

      Field Type - Select the type of data expected in the field. The available options are:

      • Short Text - Allows the user to enter a text string, like name, place, etc.
      • Long Text - Allows the user to enter a lengthy piece of text, like a description, etc.
      • Number - Allows the user to enter a lengthy piece of text, like a description, etc. 
      • Date - The field acts as a calendar with a date-picker for the user to enter a date
      • Select - The field allows the user to select a value from a drop-down. You can specify the options to be shown in the drop-down in the table as explained below.

      To add choices to the 'Select' field type:

      • Click 'Add Row' at the bottom of the table 
        • Label Name - Enter the option label. The user will see this in the drop-down
        • Label Value - An internal identifier for the item. This auto-populates when you add the item for the first time. You and can edit I if required. The value is used as the internal reference for saving the user's choice from the form
      • Repeat the process to add more choices
      • Use the trashcan icon to remove the items added inadvertently

      • Once done, click 'Save' at the top-right for the field to take effect on the respective form.

      The created custom field is listed in the 'Custom Fields' screen.

      By default, custom fields related to project management apply to all projects managed by the company. However, you can limit them to apply only to certain projects.

      To limit the field to selected projects

      • Click inside the Projects cell in the row of the field
      • Select the projects to which the field should apply
      • Click 'Save' for your settings to take effect

      The field will be available in the forms for the selected projects and not other projects.

      • Repeat the process to add more custom fields that apply to forms in various modules.

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      Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence