Assign and manage crew members
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    Assign and manage crew members

      Article Summary

      The task management screen allows you to assign crew members to work on a pulled task at any stage, before its completion. Assigned crew members can also be removed at any time. The Add/Remove pane of a pulled task lets you add/remove crew members to a task.

      You can open the Add/Remove pane in different ways:

      From the 'Planned' tasks screen:

      • Tap any pulled task in the 'Pulled' (orange) or 'In Progress' (yellow) status to open its task management screen
      • The 'Crew' stripe shows the crew members assigned to the task
      • Tap the 'Add' button in the 'Crew' stripe

      From the 'Pulled' tasks screen

      The 'Pulled' screen shows the list of the pulled tasks as cards. 

      • Tap 'Crew' at the bottom left of the task card

      • Alternatively, tap any task card to open its task management screen, then tap the 'Add' button in the Crew stripe
      You can use the 'Search ' box at the top to search for the task you want to manage.

      The 'Add/Remove Crew' screen shows the list of crew members already associated with the task and the available members:

      • Tap 'Add' beside the name of a new member to add to the task
      • Tap 'Remove' beside the name of an existing member to remove them from the task

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