Add Associates to Your Company Directory
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    Add Associates to Your Company Directory

      Article summary

      The company management console lets you add your subcontractors and vendors in two ways:

      • Manually add vendors – Add vendors by selecting them from a list. This is useful for inviting companies that have already enrolled them in Linarc.
      • Request Linarc to Invite a Company - Send an invite to your partner company to join Linarc. This is useful for inviting companies that are yet to subscribe to Linarc. Linarc sends an invitation on behalf of you to sign up for a Linarc account. Once enrolled, you can add them to your vendor list.
      • Bulk import vendors from a spreadsheet file – Create a CSV or an Excel file with a list of vendors and upload it to the console. This is useful to add several vendors at once. Please note that the companies that you want to add are already enrolled to Linarc.

      Once added, Linarc sends invitations to your vendors. Your vendors can view the invitations on their company admin panel (Click ‘Vendors’ > ‘Received’). After they accept the invitation, they are added as your active vendors. You can view the list of active vendors in the company management panel (click ‘Vendors’ > ‘Active’).

      These vendors are now available to invite as collaborators to your projects. Once they accept the invitation, they can access the project management portal for the project you share. You can assign jobs, exchange plans and other documents, RFI’s, change orders, etc., with them and track their work progress. 

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