Activate your account
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    Activate your account

      Article Summary

      You will receive an invitation email, once your organization adds you as their employee, on their Linarc account. The mail contains your username and a password reset link. After you set a password, you can log in to the TimeCard app using the same username and password.

      • Open the mail on your mobile device

      A sample email is shown below:

      • Note down your username 
      • Tap the 'Reset Password' link

      The password reset page opens on your mobile browser:

      • Type your preferred password.
        • Choose a password that could not be easily guessed, and as a combination of upper and lower case letters, numerals, and special characters of 8-20 characters long. 
      • Retype the password for confirmation.
      • Tap 'Change password'

      That's it! Your account is activated. You can log in to the mobile applications using the same username and password. All of the Linarc apps work together, so if you are logged in to any one of the apps you can access all apps without individual sign-in. If you log out from any one of the apps, you will be logged out from all the apps. 

      Login to the TimeCard app

      • Open the TimeCard app
      • Enter your username and password

      • Tap 'Sign In' 
      • Your account is activated. You can start using the app to clock time from the job sites.

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