Lock the budget
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    Lock the budget

      Article Summary

      After adding the original budget amount for all line items with cost values of different cost types, allotting line items to the contractors, and finalizing the project budget, you can lock and publish it. This sets the budget as the baseline and is used for various financial operations and controls like imposing the maximum limits for the estimates from the subcontractors, SOV calculations, monitoring project performance, etc. Once locked, the budget cannot be altered in any way, hence protected from accidental changes. You cannot:

      • Edit the original budget values.
      • Add sub-line items
      • Change the assignee
      • Delete any line items. 

      Any further modifications to the budget can only be done through change orders which carry respective estimates.

      To lock a budget

      • Review the project budget and ensure it exhaustively covers all planned work
      • Ensure that all line items are assigned to respective subcontractors
      • Click 'Lock Budget' on the top right

      • Click 'Lock' in the confirmation dialog.

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