Labor Cost
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    Labor Cost

      Article Summary

      The 'Labor Cost' interface shows the cost incurred by the wages paid to the field crew for the completed tasks. The expenses are calculated based on the crew schedule, crew attendance data, the crew effort hours, and the per hour/per day rates of the crew members. The details are fetched from the approved time cards of the crew members assigned to each task.

      The system decrements the expense incurred every day from the total labor cost estimate and shows the remaining amount for each task as per the overall project estimate. This helps you monitor the variance of the actual expenses from the estimated labor cost and plan the future costs to complete the tasks within the budget. The details are used for various statistics and key performance indicators, displayed on the dashboards and various reports.

      The 'Labor Cost' interface

      • Open the project management console
      • Click 'Budget' on the top
      • Select 'Labor' from the options on the left

      The interface shows a chronological list of tasks and their labor expenses.

      • Date - The date of the task.
      • Task Code and Task Detail - The information of the task.
      • Crew Count - The total number of general and specialty crew members deployed for the task.
      • Amount - The total wages calculated for the crew members who worked on that task on that day.
      • Balance - The amount remaining under the head 'Labor' in the estimate of that task.

      Search and Filter options - Use the Find, Filter, and table customization options on the right to search, filter, add/remove columns, etc. See Search, Filter, Column Customization, and Table Views for guidance on this.

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