Attach photos to markups
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    Attach photos to markups

      Article Summary

      A picture is worth a thousand words. Placing a photo in a markup gives you the convenience of having a visual note for an observation or a reminder. 

      As required, you can add pictures from your local storage and affix them to specific spots on the plan drawing. The images tool in the markup toolbar lets you add pictures and images to a markup.

       Add a photo to a markup

      • Open the plan to add the photo markup.
      • Click 'Add Markup,' if you are not already in the markup edit screen
      • Select the 'Image' tool in the toolbar.
      • Click on the spot where you want to add the photo to the drawing.

      • Double-click the camera icon.
      • Navigate to the image file on your device and choose it. The image adds as a markup on the selected spot. 
      • Double-click the camera icon to view the image
      • Use the zoom slider at the bottom of the image to zoom-in and zoom out

      The markup element adds as a layer to the 'Draft' group. It is shown in the layer editor on the left.

      • Use the eyeicon to show or hide the layer
      • Click the trashcanicon to remove an element added by mistake
      • Go to the next tool if you want to add more markup elements.
      • Once you are done with the markup elements, save the layer group as a markup. See Publish Markups for more details.

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